Being discriminated against in your workplace due to your age is illegal, and yet there are many things that happen every day that falls under the category of age discrimination Attorneys in Los Angeles frequently represent clients who didn’t even realize that they...
Learning About Filing for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy With Joseph I Wittman Attorney at Law in Lawrence KS
Many people hear about businesses filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, which allows them to reorganize and pay their debts over time. Many businesses can survive serious financial problems this way without having to close down. The government offers individuals a similar...
Protect Your Loved One from an Abusive Caregiver by Consulting with an Elder Neglect Attorney
Abuse of the elderly can be quite common, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay or that it should be tolerated. Many older adults rely heavily on their hired caregivers to help them with daily tasks such as cleaning the home, paying bills, bathing, eating and ensuring they...
What Doesn’t Work for Domestic Violence Defense in Tyler, TX?
Domestic violence charges can be incredibly serious and can have a huge impact on a person's future. A person who is charged with domestic violence will want to make sure they speak with a lawyer to learn more about what could happen in their case. When they're...
Do You Need Disability Law Firms in Fall River, MA?
There are several different kinds of disability. There is disability that is recognized and paid for by the federal government; this type of disability usually comes from the Social Security Administration. Social Security Disability is the largest disability program...