When you are in a serious auto accident, you expect your insurance company to be there for you. After all, you have done everything right when it comes to your insurance: you have paid on time every month, picked a plan that was right in terms of protecting your car,...
Month: April 2020
Domestic Violence Lawyers In Cleveland, TN Can Help With This Very Serious Crime
Although most domestic violence occurs between a husband and wife. Domestic violence is an act of violence between an intimate or family relationship. A conviction of a criminal domestic violence charge can result in jail time, fines, and a permanent criminal record....
Bail Bonds: Limiting the Damage from a False Arrest
Cops make mistakes all the time. It’s rather tragic how common the mistakes are. The mistakes made by the police force in Texas are exacerbated by some rather unfortunate laws and internal policies. However, even the relatively better behaved police force of Wise...
Meet with a DUI Attorney in Jefferson County, MO Today
If you have been arrested for drinking and driving, you are probably dealing with a lot of stress. It may seem as though everything is out of control, and it is very difficult to know which way to turn. If this is the case, it may be advantageous to meet with a DUI...
Parent Alienation: How to Deal with an Alienating Parent During Divorce
The majority of all divorce cases have minimal conflict and argument. This requires both parents to make an effort to protect and shelter the children throughout the divorce, and to create a new co-parenting relationship that focuses on the emotional, physical, and...