Looking for a lawyer? When looking for a law firm in Oxford MS, it is important to make sure the law firm is the right fit.
Questions to Ask a Law Firm
The specific questions to ask a law firm depend on the nature of the legal dispute. However, some questions can help a client get an understanding of the lawyer’s background, experience, and approach.
* Are there alternative ways to settle this dispute?
* Many legal disputes can be settled outside of the legal system or in non-adversarial ways that complement the legal system. Depending on the nature of the problem, these solutions may include arbitration, mediation, or deferred adjudication, just to name a few. Pursuing these remedies may be faster, easier, and less expensive than traditional legal remedies.
* Is this claim valid?
* It has been said that people can sue for anything. While that is somewhat true, there is a huge difference between filing a lawsuit and winning. An attorney should be willing to discuss whether a claim is winnable.
* What is this claim worth?
* If an attorney has told you that a claim is valid, the attorney should be able to provide a ballpark range of the value of the claim. While this estimate is no guarantee, knowing the potential outcome can help a client determine whether a claim is worth pursuing.
* Would the attorney pursue this claim if they were the client?
* Attorneys know that financial costs are only part of the costs of a lawsuit. Legal disputes can drain other resources, like time, and they can be very stressful for litigants. An attorney should be willing to discuss the impact on quality of life that a lawsuit may bring.
* What will the legal dispute cost?
* Because most attorneys do not charge flat fees, they will not be able to provide a definitive answer for this. However, an attorney should be able to provide a cost range for similar disputes as well as break down the fee structure and who pays legal costs.
Schedule a Consultation
It is impossible to know which law firm in Oxford MS will be right for a claim without meeting with them. Schedule a consultation with Wheeler & Franks Law Firm PC to see if they are the right attorneys for the case.