Estate Planning: An Important Legal Service to Protect Your Family’s Future

by | Oct 13, 2017 | Lawyers and Law Firms

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People work hard throughout their life to earn a decent income and to help achieve their life goals. Over time, they will invest their money into property such as homes, cars, and other real estates. These are valuable assets they use throughout their lifetime and wish to pass on to their loved ones once they have passed away. If the estate is not planned correctly, it risks the chance of the beneficiaries not receiving their inheritance and the court consuming a large portion of the individual’s estate after their death. With an estate planning lawyer in NY, you can plan for your future to ensure the right parties receive your estate and protect your family from facing financial trouble.

How an Attorney Can Help

An estate planning lawyer in NY can prepare a document that precisely states who should inherit specific portions of your estate. A lawyer can determine the wealth of your estate and establish trusts that will help pay for any fees or taxes that are involved when it comes to turning the property over to the beneficiaries. Since these taxes can change each year, a lawyer stays on top of the latest information available to ensure that your final wishes are followed and the finances are available to help prevent the beneficiary from having to pay the taxes and fees that can occur with an inheritance.

Achieve Your Goals with a Respected Law Firm

Neufeld, O’Leary & Giusto are devoted to providing their clients with the services required to protect their property and the future of their families. From naming an estate representative to guardians of small children, they can assist in preparing for your estate after you have passed away. Old or younger clients, they can provide the reliable services you require to keep your estate protected.

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