Personal Injury Lawyers in Lacey, WA Wants Clients to Understand Washington Laws

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Anyone who has suffered a personal injury anywhere needs to know what is being faced if filing a lawsuit. Each state has its own rules that it applies to personal injury lawsuits. Many times, the injured party will have to face an insurance company that does not want to cooperate with the claim and may find ways to not pay. The injured party will do well to hire an attorney immediately. There are Personal Injury Lawyers in Lacey WA who represents clients in personal injury cases. These are some things the clients need to know about personal injury cases in Washington.

The first thing of which to be aware is the statute of limitations on personal injury cases. In Washington, the plaintiff has three years from the date of the accident and injury to file the lawsuit in a Washington civil court. The injured plaintiff should realize that if he or she fails to file the lawsuit in that time frame, any opportunity to have the case heard will be gone. Any chance to be awarded damages will be gone also.

The injured plaintiff should also understand that Washington employs the pure comparative negligence rule. This means that in the likelihood that the insurance company or other party finds the injured plaintiff to be partly responsible for the accident, any amount of damages that will be awarded will be reduced by the percentage the injured plaintiff is at fault. This could have a serious impact on what the plaintiff receives. He or she had better ensure to have a competent personal injury lawyer who has a proven track record for success.

Meet Putnam Lieb Potvin Attorneys. They are attorneys in the Lacey, Washington area who have been providing legal solutions to clients for more than 37 years. The personal injury cases they practice include, but are not limited to boating accidents, truck accidents, car accidents, wrongful death, and slips and falls. They also assist clients who have workers’ compensation cases and hearing loss due to an injury at work. If there are any injured parties who need to consult with Personal Injury Lawyers in Lacey WA, they can visit the website of the attorneys at

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