Tips to Consider When Hiring an SSD Lawyer in Rome, New York

by | Apr 3, 2023 | Lawyers

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Do you have a social security disability (SSD)claim, and do you require the services of an attorney? Hiring the right Rome, New York SSD appeal lawyer will help to maximize your chances of success. The following tips will allow you to hire the right SSD lawyer:

  1. Hire a Highly Qualified and Experienced Attorney

Social security is among the areas of law that are complicated because the Social Security Administration has procedures and rules that are unique. An attorney is supposed to follow their procedures and rules to prove that as a disabled individual, you’re entitled to the SSD (Social Security Disability). Considering the complexities revolving around social security disability, you need to hire a dedicated attorney who can devote ample time and resources towards your SSD appeal.

  1. Hire an Attorney Practicing in Your State

A social security disability claim falls under federal law. As a result, there are no state boundaries, which means you can hire a lawyer from your state or another to represent you in court. If you reside in Rome, New York, you should hire a lawyer within your locality since meeting and discussing the way forward will be easy. The demerit of hiring a lawyer from another city or state is that you will most likely meet when they attend a hearing. It now makes more sense why you should consider a Rome, New York, SSD appeal lawyer.

Social Security Claims can be challenging, so you need to hire the right lawyer. Fortunately, the Antonowicz Group has a team of skilled lawyers, and they can handle your social security disability claim accordingly. You can contact The Antonowicz Group by visiting their website.

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