Being arrested is one of the worst moments in a someone's life. Being handcuffed is an immediate loss of freedom and change of status to prisoner. The Miranda warning is read, but everyone has heard it countless times on TV and the meaning of the words doesn't really...
Luke Barnes
If You Believe You’re a Victim of Medical Negligence, Contact a Medical Malpractice Attorney
Medical malpractice cases are difficult and complicated. When patients suspect or realize they have been injured by a medical professional they had trusted to care for them, they feel angry and betrayed. Every Medical Malpractice Attorney has handled cases for people...
Know what to do if You Have Suffered a Personal Injury Caused by Another Party
From an auto accident to defective products, when someone is injured at the hands of another person’s carelessness things can become very chaotic. While they may be grappling with what has just occurred, it is important to remember some key steps to take after being...
How an Real Estate Lawyer Makes Your Life Simpler
Buying, selling or even transferring real estate properties can be a legal handful. You’ll need to make sure the transactions are legit. If you miss out on a detail, you could end up with a ton of problems later on. To make sure you’re on top of all those details,...
The Importance of Obtaining Legal Representation After Motorcycle Accidents in Allentown, PA
Many people don’t realize how significantly different motorcycle accidents are from car accidents. Per vehicle mile traveled, a motorcyclist has a risk of a fatal crash that is 35 times higher than someone who is driving a passenger car. Due to the unique...