Accidents happen all the time, and sometimes there is no avoiding them. However, there are instances where perhaps a retail store or business owner didn't properly warn people of areas that can cause people to slip and fall. This is common with wet floors in a...
Luke Barnes
Understanding the Impact of Pedestrian Accidents
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Association, almost 5,000 pedestrians die in accidents with motor vehicles and more than 76,000 suffer from some type of injury after being hit with a vehicle. These types of accidents can occur when a pedestrian...
After a DUI Charge, a DUI Attorney in Hattiesburg MS is Necessary
Even someone who has never been arrested for a DUI before is looking at up to 48 hours in jail, $1,000 in fines and 90 days with a suspended license if they're convicted. Those who have already been convicted once or twice for a DUI in the past year are facing up to...
Two Major Reasons Why Claimants Often Find That Hiring a Workers’ Compensation Attorney Is the Key to Success
Employees getting hurt on the job is a common occurrence in just about every industry. The good news for these employees is that their employers are required to have insurance policies that are designed to provide them with some financial help when a serious injury...
Work With an Injury Attorney in Galveston, TX to Ensure Full Compensation
Those who are injured due to the negligence or direct action of another person are entitled to full compensation for their injuries. Depending on the cause of the accident, this can include medical bills, property damage, lost wages and more. Unfortunately, insurance...